Good day adventurers!

Here, you will find some maps I made.

Some of them are NFTs and for the moment they are available on objkt.
A platform where you can exchange NFTs with low carbon emissions.

For the moment, all the maps are made digitally, but, in the future, there might be some plans involving Chinese ink, carving, burning, paper, and wood, who knows?

If you would like to get your own personal and unique map, please contact me at this address:

Map of Lebanon

Name: Map of Lebanon – Liban 1983. Editions: Single printed edition. Concept: This map is made for a private commission and will be printed on an A3. This is a map of Lebanon. The purpose [...]

Map of Morocco

Name: Map of Morocco -Maroc. Editions: Single printed edition. Concept: This map is made for a private sale and will be printed on an A3. This is a map of Morocco. The purpose of this map was to [...]

Map of Mongolia

Name: Map of Mongolia – Voyage en Mongolie 2010. Editions: Single printed edition. Concept: This map is made for a private commission and will be printed on an A3. This is a map of [...]

Map of Dortan

Name: Map of Dortan –Ville de Dortan. Editions: Single printed edition. Concept: This map is made for a private sale and will be printed on an A3. This is a map of a French town named [...]

Map of Tir Na Nog

Name: Map of Tir Na Nog. Editions: 13/15 are still available on Concept: This is an NFT representing a Fantastic map of westside Ireland, close to Clifden. The purpose of this [...]

Greenfin Island

Name: Greenfin Island. Edition: 14/15 are still available on Concept: This is an NFT representing a Fantastic map of a fictional island. The purpose of this map was to show where the [...]


“Our Coastline is a collection of 1000 unique hand-drawn paintings of a scenic coastline. The project is about the human touch. It is a homage to a different way of living – no cages, no [...]


Feel free to contact me.

You can send me an e-mail and I will get back to you.

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